Throughout the acupuncture treatment you feel very relaxed. This is because
during each treatment, your body goes into the parasympathetic nervous system. This system is responsible for rest and digest, this is where majority of the healing process takes place.
How many treatments are needed depends on how long you have had the health complaint and the severity of the health complaint. On average patients need 1-4 acupuncture treatments. Monthly treatments are recommended for preventative health.
We believe that there are safer ways to get relief from whatever health issues you are suffering from.
We also believe that health is a right and not a privilege. That is why we offer sliding scale at $45-95. We also offer a 30 minute appointment, that is an energetic reading and consultation only, take 50% off the $45-95 price.
We offer a private hour long relaxing acupuncture treatment at our Glenwood location, along with an energetic reading. We recommend additional nutritional changes, herbs/ supplements and other lifestyle changes along side the acupuncture, to help you feel better, even quicker.
Majority of the time you feel nothing when the pins are first inserted. You may feel "feel good sensations", like buzzing, tingling, coolness or warmth. These sensations are a great sign, it means that the body is receiving the healing signals from the treatment. Sometimes you may feel a quick pinch when inserted, which dissipates quickly.
If you don't want to even give the horse hair size pins a try, we offer a 30 minute appointment for the energetic reading only, so no pins.
We specialize in:
(All types of ACHES & PAINS, nerves, old injury, acute or chronic pain, etc.)
(Anxiety & Depression)